New and Improved Me
Happy July! I can’t believe it’s already July…and it’s officially my birthday month!! There are big plans in store for my 34th year of life! Things have been busy and I’m sorry I have been a little MIA lately because I have been doing a lot of soul-searching. My life is pretty happy. I have an amazing husband and two beautiful daughters. The problem was I wasn’t loving myself. I wasn’t happy in my own skin. Having two kids while trying to run a blog and teach music lessons was really starting to wear on me. It was hard work. It’s still hard work. I was tired all the time and eating horribly.
Thyroid & Hashimotos
I started seeing an endocrinologist who specialized in weight loss. Within that journey, I learned my thyroid was completely out of wack and I have an autoimmune disease called Hashimoto’s. I have been learning about how I can control my thyroid and I’m happy to say it is slowly getting better. It’s going to be a constant learning experience for me though. Your thyroid can fluctuate throughout your life so I’ll have to get it checked often.
Eating Healthy
With the start of getting my thyroid in better health, I have lost some ofthey fatigue that I have had. Getting my thyroid in check is really helping me to start feeling better. Yo-yo dieting has always been in my life and I have been successful at times but have always gone back to my old, unhealthy ways. A balanced diet has become a part of my lifestyle now and I’m actually feeling full and fulfilled. More detail to come about my new lifestyle and eating plan in another post but it has changed my life!
Working Out
What else has happened is I have grown to actually enjoy working out! I started a 6-week local boot camp and love it! I went to Fit Body Boot Camp in Maple Grove. It focuses on the afterburn by doing a combination of (HIIT) High-Intensity Interval Training and Active Rest Training. This combination results in more calories burned throughout the rest of your day than a regular workout. The best part is it’s on 30 MINUTES LONG! I love it so much and it’s an amazing workout. I really love that I’m in and out of there in 30 minutes. You really can’t beat that. If you are local I highly recommend going and trying it out. They have different specials going all the time and you can give it a try. If you love it like me then you can get a monthly membership!
Something I am learning with my new lifestyle is that the pounds aren’t just quickly coming off. I have learned that the number on the scale isn’t important. It’s important to take measurements and how your clothes feel. Since combining my new lifestyle eating plan and Fit Body Boot Camp I am now down 10lbs and 10inches! I’m not stopping there either! Here are a few pictures of myself at my heaviest and I’m excited to share monthly updates with you of my progress!
With my new found love of working out, I want to do a couple of challenges. First I am challenging myself to work out for 100 days straight! I can get one rest day a week but I need to walk that day for at least 30 minutes. I want to be active every day in some shape or form! Within those 100 days, I’m also challenging myself to three 30 day challenges. Anyone want to join me?! Comment below and we can support each other! Starting the first 30 days off with the 1400 burpees. I hate burpees but they are so good for you!
Photos from DAREBEE and 30 Fitness Challenges.
Since I am giving myself a makeover I thought it would be fun to give my blog a makeover too! Start out fresh right?! I absolutely love the new look and I hope that it is easier to navigate and find various projects. I’m so happy with the results and I love my new logo too!
This blog has changed my life and I love that it has become a job I love, not just a hobby anymore. I’m truly blessed and so excited to see how far I can go in my personal growth and business growth! Thanks for listening and letting me rant about my new found lifestyle. My motivation is running strong! This time is going to be the last time I try to diet because it’s not a diet it’s a lifestyle! Happy Monday!
Tara says
Good for you! It’s so important as Moms to take care of ourselves so we can take care of our littles! Good luck!
Ruthie says
Thanks Tara! I agree 100%!
Rhylee says
Ohhhh, I’m game!
Ruthie says
Awesome! I’ll message you!!
Denise Novak says
Good luck Ruthie!! I have no doubt you’re going to KILL this challenge. Keep your eye on the prize, a longer and healthier life. You wanna be around to see your grandkids get married. That’s my goal. ?
Ruthie says
I know I want to be as healthy as possible for my girls! I am loving my healthier lifestyle so far!
Janna says
So inspired by you Ruthie! ? Your excitement is obvious and contagious! Can’t wait to watch what unfolds for you in the coming months!
Ruthie says
Thanks Janna!! I’m loving my new healthy lifestyle!