Tips on Transitioning to Big Kid Bed
Tips on transitioning to big kid bed and helpful items to make it go smoothly.
6 Tips on Transitioning to Big Kid Bed
We are almost to the beginning of the second month of 2019! Did you make a New Years resolution this year? Do you usually follow through with it? There are a few goals I have set for myself this year.
I want to live a healthier lifestyle so that I can be as present as possible with my little girls. Being a good example to them is very important to me.
Milestone Goals
There are always those types of goals and then there are smaller goals or milestones that end up being just as important.
My youngest daughter turned 2 in November. So, this year we will more than likely start potty train, she will learn hundreds of words, and transition from her crib to a big girl bed.
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I want to focus on transitioning from crib to big kid bed. I thought I would compile a small list of tips and ideas to help make the whole process a little bit smoother.
Ease Into It
Talk with your child about what is going to happen a while in advance. You don’t want to spring this on them. Think if you had slept in a specific bed your entire life and all of a sudden had to move to a giant bed with no explanation.
Kids go through so many life changes in their first years of life. Help make this one go smoothly for them by talking about it. The book, A Big Kid Bed is Coming! by Liz Fletcher, is a great way to start the discussion.
Wait Until They Are Ready
If you push it then they may resist and it may not go well.
Keep the Same Bedtime Routine or Start One
Helping the transition to run smoothly is to keep your child’s normal bedtime routine. If you bathe them before bed, continue to do that. You read 2 books before bed, continue to do that. Singing 5 songs every night before bed, continue to do that.
If you don’t have a specific routine it might be good to start one. Start it while they are still in the crib and continue it once they move to their big kid bed.
Move Bed into Bedroom Beforehand
This is another one that I’m a firm believer in. Let your child get used to the bed. He or she can lay on it while you tidy up or organize her room. Let them get the feel of their new bed.
My daughter was so excited when we put her big girl bed in her room. She will even ask if she can sleep in her big girl bed tonight. I tell her we will soon but tonight she is sleeping in her crib.
She is 100% content with that. I don’t want to push the switch and want her and myself to be fully ready. Lots of kiddos decide to skip naptime when the transition happens. I’m definitely not ready for that! 😉
Do a Gradual Transition
I started with the binky and we got rid of it by following the book, Bea Gives Up Her Pacifier by Jenny Album. We made a few alterations but I highly recommend this book. To summarize it quickly, your child gives their pacifiers to the binky fairy and gets something special in return.
The big girl bed was the next transition. It was all going well but she was still a little uneasy in her big girl bed.
I feel if she would have had her pacifier she would have adjusted easier. Then when she was comfortable in her big girl bed we would then get rid of the pacifier. We will definitely be doing this order for my youngest.
We have daybeds for both our girls. I really like these types of beds for their first beds. It has a railing around 3 sides already and you just need to add one to the front of the bed.
I’m obsessed with Gabi’s McCarthy Daybed with Trundle in Gold from Wayfair. This will be great when she is older and has sleepovers too with the trundle.
Lucy’s Big Girl Room Reveal
For an amazing selection of daybeds that are affordable and stylish, head on over to Wayfair. There are so many options to choose from and in so many colors. You are sure to find the perfect fit for your room!
Happy Monday and we will see you on Wednesday for the final reveal for the $100 Room Challenge. I hope these tips on transitioning to big kid bed will help it go smoothly for you and your child.
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