Baby Bundle Series: For the Mamas
We are at Day 4 and the final day of the Baby Bundle Series. Today is all about the mama….I mean it is from the beginning anyway isn’t it?! 🙂 Us Moms work really hard cooking this baby and then work hard to deliver that baby. We deserve some special treatment don’t you think?!
If you’ve missed the series and want to check it out click the links below:
Day 1 – Nursing | Day 2 – Carriers/Sleepers | Day 3 – For Big Sibling
I want to start off with a couple of cleaning items that help make your life easier. Let’s face it no one likes to clean but these items are a must-have when it comes to making the job a little easier.
Bissell Little Green ProHeat Compact Multi-Purpose Carpet Cleaner
This little gem is a must-have for Moms. It’s great for cleaning up messes by children any age. Also as a child get’s older they tend to make more messes. We’ve already had food coloring spilled on the floor among other things. This is compact and cleans up any messy job. It can also be for when we Moms accidentally spill some wine on the floor! 🙂
ILIFE V5s Robot Vacuum Cleaner with Water Tank Mopping
I can not rave about this little piece of magic enough!! I have always wanted a robotic vacuum but never wanted to dish out the cash. Some brands can get quite spendy. I’ve always wanted one that had mopping capabilities but that again just adds onto the price. I came across this one on Amazon and decided to go for it since it was reasonably priced. It was one of the best investments I have made! Not only does it vacuum your hardwood floors, which I wanted it most for, but it also works on our carpet. My daughter likes to watch it go around too! I was quite impressed with how much it actually picked up as well. Another added bonus is that before you run it you need to have the floor clear of toys and other items. I actually keep the house picked up more now so that I can run this little guy. It’s a win/win!
jujube B.F.F. Diaper Bag – The First Lady
When you’ve traded in your purse for a diaper bag there is no reason you still shouldn’t look stylish. I absolutely love the jujube brand and everything they make is top notch! They stay in amazing shape and can even be thrown in the wash!
Belly Bandit – Couture Belly Wrap
I’m SOOO excited about this little thing. I never used one for my daughter and this is more than likely our last child so I want to get back to my normal self as soon as I can with this baby. I was diagnosed with gestational diabetes early on in this pregnancy and that, combined with morning sickness, caused me to lose about 30 lbs in my first trimester. Needless to say, it wasn’t the diet plan I was hoping for but it has helped keep me honest this pregnancy. I went into this delivery down 12 lbs from my starting weight. This has given me even more motivation to keep the weight off, plus some after this baby is born. This little contraption helps get your body back to its original state. Here’s a little blurb from their website:
This little monitor is so great for mothers because it gives you piece of mind. I am one that over worries so since I found out I was pregnant I wanted to use this monitor with our newborn baby. The little smart sock is placed on your baby and it monitors their heart rate and oxygen levels while they sleep. It notifies you if either of those things are in distress. It has saved many lives and I hope that it can assist my husband and I with our worries.
Side By Side Split-Screen Video Monitor Set by Summer Infant
*This one isn’t sold anymore so here’s a similarly updated version:
Summer Infant Explore Panoramic Video Baby Monitor
Another great monitor to keep track of your little one is the Side by Side Split-Screen by Summer Infant. I love this video monitor because we also have a 3-year-old at home and I still like to check up on her. This monitor allows you to have both cameras on each child at once. So once the girls are down for bed I can keep an eye on them both! It also has a 5-inch screen and you can move the camera around the room for optimal viewing. You can also add two additional cameras for up to a 4-way view simultaneously.
We can’t forget about the guys a little bit. Even though they aren’t doing any of the physical work of growing the baby they really are a lot of help. My husband is a great father and adores his little girl. I want him to feel special since it can be all about the Mom and baby at this time so I got him a little present. My husband loves a good beer and we have some pretty great breweries around where we live. I got him the Stainless Steel Growler in Copper from uncommongoods. You can find other great gifts for your husbands or significant others here.
Well, we have had our little miracle baby and I can’t wait to share how beautiful she is with you! I know it’s cliche but being a Mom is the best job in the world. It’s hard work but completely worth it! Although, I do think we need to be pampered here and there because of how hard it is! Have an amazing weekend everyone and I’ll be relaxing and enjoying our new little girl and being a family of four. The blog might slow down for the next month or so but I’ll make sure to keep everyone updated on what’s happening in our home and to our home!
Many outgoing links on Refashionably Late are affiliate links. I may earn a small commission to fund my Diet Mountain Dew drinking habit if you use these links to make a purchase. You will not be charged extra, and you’ll keep me supplied in caffeine. It’s a win for everyone, really. I only link to products I have tried and love! See my full disclosure here.
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