How to Fold Shirts Perfectly Every Time
Alright so I’m pretty excited about this post! Like my mother, I love gadgets. I like gadgets that can help make my life easier…and prettier! The other day my mom sent me a text with pictures of perfectly folded shirts. There are tutorials out there but I never seem to do it right. Has anyone tried the folding a fitted sheet tutorial on youtube? Well epic fail for me. I ended up rolling it up in a ball like usual because I just can’t seem to do it right! Ha!
This amazing little gadget I snagged on Amazon and LOVE IT! It’s called Adult Shirt Folder Board. It seriously is something I needed in my life. I may not be the tidiest person in the world but when something is super tidy and organized I feel accomplished and happy!
Here is what one of my drawers looked like prior to the Adult Shirt Folder Board. Now it didn’t look terrible but I always had to dig for a specific tank top or shirt.
I took every tank top out of the drawer and started folding them one by one with the folder board. I stacked the tank tops and shirts in groups of their type of shirt or tank. It took me about 15 minutes to fold everything.
I realized while folding that I had tank tops in there that haven’t been worn in YEARS because they were tucked to the back of the drawer. A few of the items I knew I wanted to send to Goodwill but I still put everything back in so you could see the difference.
I took the shirts back out and set my donated shirts in a pile on top of the dresser. You can see how many tanks I decided to donate from the drawer.
I set the shirts aside and here is the final product of my drawer….doesn’t it look so much neater?!
My drawer of clothes was mostly tank tops so I decided to try out one of my husband’s drawers which was full of shirts. Here is the before:
It took me about 10-15 minutes to fold them all and here is the final product of how nice his drawer looks now!
I love how it looks and it’s so much easier to find the specific item of clothing you are looking for! This is a must have in my laundry routine now and I feel so much more accomplished now when I’m done doing laundry! 🙂 Here is a quick video tutorial on how to fold shirts perfectly every time:
This post does contain affiliate links but I am by no means getting paid to promote this product! I love this product and super happy with how it works!
I hope everyone has an amazing weekend! Tomorrow is my daughter’s Minnie Mouse birthday party and I have the most adorable decor for her party! Check it out next week on the blog!
bonbon @ Farmhouse 40 says
Great tips. Now I want to go straighten all my drawers. Thanks for sharing.
Ruthie says
Haha I know when I got the text from my mom about the cool gadget! I wanted to immediately get it and fold all my clothes!