Tacky Decor ;)
So this isn’t the first time this has been done and it has been seen around Pinterest. I originally saw this post by Arte & Manha’s blog post. I wanted to give it a try and I figured why not blog about it! I wanted to make my own decorative balls to put into a vase. I used all of my corks, which were in one of my vases, to decorate some other balls. Apparently, I’m really into decorating styrofoam balls lately. Haha! Check out my previous post, on Cork Decor. I wanted to take a stab at some tacky decor this time!
I purchased these 2.8 inch styrofoam balls (6 pack) at Hobby Lobby and I used my 40% off coupon, so they turned out to be only $3. I then purchased 2 packages of 300 tacks from Dollar Tree. Little did I know I would need to go back and buy about 5 more. 🙂
I started by making a straight line across the ball and then from there I continued filling in between tacks while going around the straight line. I just continued to go around the ball and fill it in where needed.
As I completed the first ball, I realized I would need to use more than one package of tacks. I bought two packages of tacks thinking I could fill up multiple balls! Haha Little did I know I would need more than 300 tacks per ball. Here is what 300 tacks looks like on a 2.8 inch ball. 🙂
Since so many tacks are needed I highly recommend purchasing them at the dollar store. If you buy a package of tacks at Target it can cost around $3 per package. The cheaper the better!
7 packages of tacks and 6 balls later here is the final product!
For about $10 I was able to make decorative balls to complete my vase. I love how you can make something for half of the price (or more) of purchasing a similar item! I’m a sucker for a good deal! They were a little time consuming but I love how they look in the vase. I think they look fairly expensive and you wouldn’t know they were tacks unless you looked up close! So fun! I hope you enjoyed this little project and I hope you have an amazing weekend! This will be the first weekend my husband and I have both been home in almost a month so we plan to do absolutely nothing! A little r&r is in order!
Carmen says
Love it, should look nice too with color ones, Ty